Let's use the auspicious new moon energy to call in our Sankalpas (intentions) to manifest what we need more of in our lives using breath, mantra, and a powerful yoga nidra guided meditation!
Live stream Mon May 10th 7pm, and the recording will be available through 5/16 to participate on your own time.
One hour of Yoga Nidra restores the body similarly to 6 hrs of deep sleep, and with regular practice can improve the overall quality of your sleep. Yoga Nidra guided meditation brings you into a deeply restorative healing state that will release tension in the body, enhance your vital energy and leave you with a greater sense of peace and well being. It is typically 45-60 min long guided meditation received while lying on your back in savasana relaxation pose. If you have trouble getting up and down off the floor you may try practicing on a bed, or seated in a chair.
Props needed: mat, 2 blankets, a low/med pillow for behind the knees, a towel for head/neck cushioning.
Bookmark this link in your browser and save as a shortcut on your phone home screen so you have a quick access!
video library: https://app.namastream.com/sacred-being/product/7330/recordings
live events: https://app.namastream.com/sacred-being/product/7330/events
*Open your CHROME, FIREFOX, or SAFARI browser and log into my Namastream online studio for Julie Gammon Healing Arts.
*Click on your "Calendar" tab in the top of the screen where you will see all of your upcoming events listed.
*At the designated start time, click the "Join Session" button. The button will remain grey until I initiate the live-stream @5 min prior to the event time
If you lose your studio link you can always find it on my website juliegammon.com where I keep all information about yoga, massage, events, etc.
**Monthly Yoga Memberships have free access to this event, no need to sign up if you are a member. Check your 'events' tab when you log in on my Sacred Being online studio (namastream).
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